Ratings & reviews for Siccas Guitars

Siccas Guitars GmbH
Roonstr. 31
76137 Karlsruhe, Germany
Manuel Sicca
Phone: +49 721 38143275
E-Mail: info@siccasguitars.com
Registered office: Karlsruhe
Commercial register: Local Court Mannheim, HRB 725843
VAT-Code: DE308723292
Person responsible: Mirco Sicca
siccasmedia.com is a domain of Siccas Guitars GmbH
Bank: UniCredit – HypoVereinsbank
IBAN: DE40 6002 0290 0026 5089 67
Owner: Siccas Guitars GmbH
Out-of-court dispute resolution
The EU Commission has created an online platform for dispute resolution (“ODR platform”) available at: http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
If the customer is a consumer living in the European Union, this platform can be used to resolve disputes regarding contractual obligations from online contracts out of court.
We are obligated to inform you of the existence of this ODR platform and in this context also of our email address info@siccasguitars.com
We endeavour to solve any differences of opinion concerning contracts concluded with our customers amicably via our customer services. Furthermore, we are not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement proceeding in front of a consumer arbitration board, nor are we prepared to do so on principle.

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